Monday, September 27, 2010

The Story of Two Very Different Sisters...

The Story of Two Very Different Sisters...

One is here, one lives there. One is a little taller than the other. 
Two different colours of hair, two different outlooks on life, two very different views from their windows. 
Both have different tomorrows ahead. 
Each is unique in so many ways. 
Each has her own story, with all the busy things going on in the present. 
Each has different work to do, and different demands of the day.
Each has a separate destination and a distinctly different path to get there.


For all the things that might be different and unique about them...
These two sisters will always share so much.
They will always be the best of family and friends, entwined together, through all the days of their lives.
Their love will always be very special; gentle and joyful when it needs to be, reminding them no matter how different their stories turn out...

...They share the incredibly precious gift of being "sisters". 
And when you think of some of the best things this world has to offer, a blessing like that is really.... 
what it's all about



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Maiden Voyage

This first post on my new blog signifies a change in my life. There has been a major change in my life recently that has shaken the very purpose of my happiness in Gold Coast (or Australia in the long run).

In the past 3 1/2 years, I have seen many other people (including my very own close friends, relatives etc) go through what I am going through now but I never felt what they did. I understood their plight while not really understanding what they felt. Sounds weird? Nah not really! This is life innit? We listen, we nod, we pat their shoulder saying "its ok, sab theek ho jayega (it will all be ok)" and walking away saying "oh poor [insert name here].. thank god i dont have [insert life crisis here]"

and BOOM! same thing happens to you and the same people come to your "rescue".

I hate stereotypical behaviours. Does every sad person have to be treated with gentle loving care? Does every depressed person have to be tackled like sheet of thin glass?? I think it should be on the contrary. Yes, a bit of sympathy would be nice but after that, treat them like yourself, so they dont feel like they're losing EVERYTHING.

bla. anyways... me and Insiyah are going to watch Easy A in a while.. more updates later
